Secure crypto payment management for businesses
Invoicing and payments
Collecting analytics on crypto-accounting
A unified system of reporting
Secure. Simple. Convenient.
Send invoices and receive
cryptocurrency payments
in a few clicks
Avoid wallet confusion — pay by using a list of contacts with linked wallets
Save several hours per week
manually gathering data on
your payments
Get transparent reporting with
a complete history of
income and expenses
Watch how it works
Maintain complete control
over the funds in your wallet
Payment confirmation is with
non-custodial wallet
Fixed billing fee
is only 1 USDT
Eliminates the risk
of accidental transfers
Один сервис для управления криптоплатежами для бизнеса
Maintain complete control
over the funds in your wallet
Eliminates the risk
of accidental transfers
Fixed billing fee
is only 1 USDT
Payment confirmation is with
non-custodial wallet
How businesses can use MFPay
Spend less time sending
and receiving cryptopayments
All information, including counterparties, addresses, past and future payments, is currently stored in Excel spreadsheets. However, this method is vulnerable to errors. The manual work required with such spreadsheets is inconvenient and time-consuming. It can take up to 5 minutes to make a single payment to a counterparty. This includes finding the addressee, copying the address, pasting it into the wallet, sending the payment, entering payment information, and adding comments.
MFPay lets you create a contact book containing all counterparties, including their photo, position, company, wallet address, and other relevant attributes.
This eliminates the need to maintain cumbersome spreadsheets and
copy addresses from tables to wallets and vice versa. This saves time and reduces errors. With MFPay, payments take less than a minute and funds sent are guaranteed to reach the correct recipient.
Counterparties can also be grouped and arranged hierarchically. Keeping
a history of transactions for each person will prevent confusion and let you know precisely whether you have made all the necessary payments
for past periods.
All information is currently stored in Excel spreadsheets. However, this method is vulnerable to errors. The manual work required with such spreadsheets is inconvenient and time-consuming. It can take up to 5 minutes to make a single payment to a counterparty.
  • Create a contact book containing all counterparties, including their photo, position, company, wallet address, and other relevant attributes.
  • This eliminates the need to maintain cumbersome spreadsheets and copy addresses from tables to wallets and vice versa. This saves time and reduces errors.
Assemble contractors into groups
Visual hierarchy of contacts that shows their face and wallet address
Eliminate the risk of errors and save time.
Payments take less than a minute and are guaranteed
to reach the correct recipient in your contacts.
Secure delegation of cryptocurrency payments
Sending crypto payments to counterparties on your own takes time, and sharing the keys to your wallet with even your own employees is not safe.
In MFPay, you can delegate payments to your accountant. This allows your employees to access your counterparties, payment history, and payment statuses, as well as create invoices on your behalf. Your accountant will prepare all invoices, and all you have to do is confirm and pay everything
in just a few clicks.
Employees do not need to know about cryptocurrencies or have their own wallet. With an intuitive interface and email authorization, they can start working in the system immediately.
Sending crypto payments to counterparties on your own takes time, and sharing the keys to your wallet with even your own employees is not safe.
Подтверждайте сформированные бухгалтером черновики счетов и платежей в один клик
Без необходимости предоставлять ключи от кошелька
  • You can delegate payments to your accountant.

  • They will prepare all invoices, and all you have to do is confirm and pay everything in just a few clicks.

  • Employees do not need to know about cryptocurrencies or have their own wallet.
Give access to an accountant without the permission to pay bills
Confirm payment for drafts with your wallet
Your accountant does not need to disclose your wallet keys. Your funds are secured, and no payment will be made without your confirmation.
Visual business analytics
on crypto payments
An ordinary wallet only displays information on individual payments, but it doesn't provide an overview of how the business is performing as a whole. Managers are required to manually maintain cumbersome tables to keep track of every payment or receipt of funds. This process is time-consuming and inefficient.
Gather business intelligence on all transactions by setting up a reporting system for both inflows and outflows in a single dashboard.
To enable analytics for all transactions, set up a reporting system that records each incoming and outgoing payment.
  • Gather business intelligence on all transactions by setting up a reporting system for both inflows and outflows in a single dashboard.

  • To enable analytics for all transactions, set up a reporting system that records each incoming and outgoing payment.
An ordinary wallet only displays information on individual payments, but it doesn't provide an overview of how the business is performing as a whole. Managers are required to manually maintain cumbersome tables to keep track of every payment or receipt of funds. This process is time-consuming and inefficient.
Analysis by groups and counterparties
Clear metrics

Does the business have unpaid bills?
What costs can be optimized?
MFPay enables you to set up a transparent income and expense analytics system, empowering you to make data-driven decisions.
Clear reporting for
cryptocurrency payments
Investors, partners, banks, and tax authorities often require reports on the movement of funds, as well as documentation to prove income and expenses. However, the information provided by blockchain explorers may not be suitable for these purposes.
Store payment history in a clear format and with the ability to download a confirmation (check) for each transaction.
Using MFPay to receive and send all payments lets you maintain a detailed transaction history for each counterparty. The system records dates, amounts, statuses, and purposes of each payment, ensuring complete transparency for all your fund movements. You can view the date, recipient, and amount of each transfer or receipt at any time.
Each invoice has its own unique page with detailed payment information. Once the bill is paid, the counterparty can generate a PDF document and save a confirmation of payment, to be provided upon request.
  • Maintain a detailed transaction history for each counterparty

  • You can view the date, recipient, and amount of each transfer or receipt at any time.

  • Each invoice has its own unique page with detailed payment information. Once the bill is paid, the counterparty can generate a PDF document and save a confirmation of payment.
Download a PDF document as proof of payment
The system records dates, amounts, statuses and purposes of each payment
Crypto invoicing solutions for businesses
With MFPay, you can provide users with a reliable tool for cryptocurrency payments within your platform.
Your business needs to accept cryptocurrency payments.
For example, users of your service want to pay for goods or services in crypto, but you'd rather not spend time and money developing your own crypto invoicing solution and don't trust existing custodial solutions.
Integrating with MFPay via API can simplify customer purchases. They will be able to pay their cryptocurrency bills directly in your service's interface, and you will receive detailed analytics on each transaction.
MFPay can work as a decentralized crypto-processing platform: it gives users the ability to pay for goods and services in cryptocurrencies by integrating billing. Unlike other cryptocurrency processing services, its smart contracts instantly transfer billable funds to your wallet.
  • Integrating with MFPay via API can simplify customer purchases.

  • Users will be able to pay their cryptocurrency bills directly in your service's interface.

  • MFPay can work as a decentralized crypto-processing platform.
Your business needs to accept cryptocurrency payments. For example, users of your service want to pay for goods or services in crypto, but you'd rather not spend time and money developing your own crypto invoicing solution and don't trust existing custodial solutions.
Why choose MFPay
Arrange your own crypto-accountancy in just a few clicks and manage all your payments in cryptocurrencies
Issue and pay invoices, as well as create reports in a single system with an unlimited number of counterparties
Your wallets are your keys, and your keys are your cryptocurrencies. MFPay cannot access user funds
The fixed billing fee is only
1 USDT, regardless of the amount
Q1 2023
Q2 2023
Q2 2023
Q1 2023
Multuchain: Ethereum, Polygon and BNB chain
We've expanded our list of supported chains to include Ethereum, Polygon, and other
Delegating payments to an accountant
Business analytics for crypto transactions
Bulk and regular payments
Make payments to multiple recipients at once with just one click. Automate regular invoicing and payments
Integrate MFPay into your business processes directly on your platforms
Public API
for invoicing
Giving employees access to account management on your behalf without providing them with access to your wallet
Obtain detailed analytics on your business income and expenses without complicated calculations
Issue invoices to be paid in cryptocurrency anywhere in the world with minimal commission
Receive payments from whomever, whenever
MFPay — is a secure crypto payment management platform for businesses. It enables you to manage cryptocurrency payments and accounting with ease. You can issue and pay invoices, set up analytics, and keep reports in a single system.
MFPay — is a secure crypto payment management platform for businesses. It enables you to manage cryptocurrency payments and accounting with ease. You can issue and pay invoices, set up analytics, and keep reports in a single system.
Быстро. Надёжно. Удобно.
Управляйте криптоплатежами